Back from the cottage
What a week! On Saturday the girls and I left for a week at a Muskoka cottage with my family. The day before we left, Chris was informed that he could not get the time off, so he stayed home only to be laid off at the end of the week!!!! Isn't that nice! Anyway he has three interviews today...
The girls had a blast playing with cousin Abbie. Abbie shadowed Jess all week (very cute!) and Hailey stuck to Grandpa like glue (her nickname for the week). I took tons of pictures and will upload a few throughout the week.
Despite flesh eating bugs that left nasty bleeding bites, the girls (coated in bug repellant) spent a lot of time playing in the sand and collecting shells.
The girls had a blast playing with cousin Abbie. Abbie shadowed Jess all week (very cute!) and Hailey stuck to Grandpa like glue (her nickname for the week). I took tons of pictures and will upload a few throughout the week.
The sand slops down into the water and we had fun making water trenches. What started off as a little gutter was quickly updated and ‘reengineered’ to a water fall once Grandpa got involved.

On the first night we took a walk – the girls happily competed for turns at pulling the wagon and sitting in the stroller.
While hiking on the rocks near a water fall, Jessica lost her footing and stepped into the rushing water. She was genuinely scared thinking that she was going to be carried down the current. After a little consoling all was well.