Two new pages
Not much happening around here. Just the usual routines - busy at work, running around with the girls, falling behind on housework... you know the drill. Jess is a little under the weather -- she's sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, struggling to keep her eyes open -- and our cat Tinker had to go the vet (scabs on her back) for some flee control (from the dog no doubt). Word of advice (or is it spelled advise? never remember that one), buy flea control at local pet store and not from vet. We learned the hard way.
I have two pages to share. The first is pix of Jessica the first day we brought her home (1 day old). She was such an alert baby; happy to be born I think!!
This page is my girls and I on Christmas morning. A special thanks to Jennifer Y for the inspiration for this page (see her page entitled Happiness is... click here). The tags and hearts are from Jenni Bowlin.
I regret not adding a few journal notes. I vow (cross my heart...) to add the story to my next few layouts.
Have a great weekend. Cheers!!
I have two pages to share. The first is pix of Jessica the first day we brought her home (1 day old). She was such an alert baby; happy to be born I think!!
Have a great weekend. Cheers!!