Toddler Tales
After a year of wishing, we finally got Photoshop Elements. But I've been so busy finishing the Twilight saga that I haven't had time to play. I started the last book yesterday and despite numerous interruptions -- kids hanging off of me -- I finished it late this afternoon. Obsessed, yes!! Hmm, and since then I have had a real hankering for a juicy piece of steak! ;) Better than my usual chocolate craving??
Joking aside (how official!), here are my latest creations. The first one is from Christmas 2007. I think Jess looks like an angel. Products are from a recent Noel Migon kit. I still have to add the journalling.
OMG, Jess just came out of her room with her fourth outfit of the day on. Worse than a bloomin’ teenager. Gotta love having girls! Cheers!!