A Little Venting
Hello my friends -- if there's anyone left after a two month sabbatical ;) Life has been crazy. My hubby is working 60 hours per week (night shift!) and I'm struggling to keep up. How do single working parents cope? Can't image. My biggest vain right now is Jessica's homework. She enjoys doing it but honestly 20 to 30 minutes each AND every night! She has to read a book and write three sentences in her journal (about the book). Is this a lot for grade one?
To top this off both girls were sick and passed the illness to me. As a result, I am very disorganized at the moment. What else you may ask? Well my vacuum was not working for two weeks -- we have two cats and a black dog! -- and a have about 5 loads of laundry waiting to be folded.
Interestingly, a few nights ago I had a dream that Chris and I suddenly uprooted the girls and moved to Chicago. Not sure why, but my immediate family is RARELY in my dreams -- weird? Anyway, a friend (in his best Freudian voice) psychoanalyzed the dream and said I wanted to run away from my problems. Not a bad analysis!
Okay, are you saying, "enough venting already." But frankly I feel much better. Thanks for asking(said with a wink and a smile). And now that I reflect, I guess things are not too bad. I do have lots of positive things to report.
1) Despite the passing sicknesses, my family is healthy.
2) Chris' long hours means $ for a spring trip to Florida.
3) I'm feeling much better than yesterday.
4) I have 80% of my Christmas shopping done.
5) My vacuum is now fixed and Chris is using it this exact moment!
6) Jessica is loving school and turning into quite the reader.
Yes, like I said, "Life is good."
I leave you with two of my new pages (I have about six to upload still):

Have a great weekend! Cheers!!
To top this off both girls were sick and passed the illness to me. As a result, I am very disorganized at the moment. What else you may ask? Well my vacuum was not working for two weeks -- we have two cats and a black dog! -- and a have about 5 loads of laundry waiting to be folded.
Interestingly, a few nights ago I had a dream that Chris and I suddenly uprooted the girls and moved to Chicago. Not sure why, but my immediate family is RARELY in my dreams -- weird? Anyway, a friend (in his best Freudian voice) psychoanalyzed the dream and said I wanted to run away from my problems. Not a bad analysis!
Okay, are you saying, "enough venting already." But frankly I feel much better. Thanks for asking
1) Despite the passing sicknesses, my family is healthy.
2) Chris' long hours means $ for a spring trip to Florida.
3) I'm feeling much better than yesterday.
4) I have 80% of my Christmas shopping done.
5) My vacuum is now fixed and Chris is using it this exact moment!
6) Jessica is loving school and turning into quite the reader.
Yes, like I said, "Life is good."
I leave you with two of my new pages (I have about six to upload still):
Have a great weekend! Cheers!!