Yesterday, while Chris laboured over the pool, Hailster and I shared a strawberry lickerish -- one bite for mommy, one bite for Hailey. No surprise, the lickerish got stuck in Hailey’s teeth (of course she had to show me). I sensibly said, “Wiggle it out with your tongue.” So, Hailey stuck out her tongue and swiftly shuck her head from side to side!! What can I say… that’s one original way to wiggle your tongue!
I’m thrilled to report that Chris started a new permanent position today! It’s a decent company with a solid track record. Yeah for hubby!! With a lifted mood, he drained the remaining pool water and repaired the hole. (I, of course, took pictures!). Hopefully the patch holds! Needless to say we're waiting a day before refilling the pool.
