The girls had a blast at Jake's Kid Fit birthday party on Friday. Hailey wasted no time and got ‘stuck’ at the top of the play-dome. Thankfully, Jess was able to help her out. I managed to get one (slightly blurry) picture before I was told that pix were not allowed in the play area – bummer!

On Sunday Jess left for a week of camping with my parents and it was wonderful to have some one-on-one time with Hailey. We spent the afternoon in the pool and went for a walk (and ice cream!) in the evening.

When we returned, we immediately noticed that over half the water in the pool had leaked out through a large hole in the liner. Boy Chris was ticked! We can’t seem to get a break lately! The hole was too large to fix ourselves but the towel we shoved in (very inventive!) managed to stop the rest of the water from escaping. Hopefully we can get it fixed today. On a positive note, Hailey had a great time splashing around in the warm pool water that covered our new patio!! I should have taken a picture but I think Chris would have killed me…