Live in the moment

On Sunday, despite overcast skies and a summer chill, our little family of four ventured out to Point Peele. The girls enjoyed a walk along the marshland boardwalk and a trip to the visitor’s centre where Jess petted a real snake!

At the end of our boardwalk journey, I noted to Jess that we didn’t see anything. She responded, “Yes we did. We saw cattails, lily pads and flowers.” I smiled with a high regard for her wise perception.
Thanks Jessica for teaching me to live-in and appreciate the moment!!

I also managed to nearly complete a mini Cottage album, dedicated to Chris. See my gallery for the whole kit

And a new page about accidentally giving Jess too much cough medication right before the Doodlebops concert. Poor girl slept through most of it!!


Unknown said…
Wonderful run downs and lookie at the pictures you got! I can't wait to see them scrapped!

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