Happy Faux Annivesary
Faux?? Yes, our original plans for our big fat Greek wedding (okay, Greek by not big or fat!) were delayed by one day. We arrived in Santorini Greece on Sept. 1st and had one day to find the perfect setting for our ceremony. When the location we wanted was not available on the 3rd we made a few phone calls and everything easily fell into place (the perfect setting, the cleric and the photographer) for Sept. 4th.
The above pictures were taken on the eve of our "real" wedding anniversary; a day to remember as we toured the island, visited a tiny fishing village, relaxed in the hot springs, took a donkey ride up the steep cobble steps of Santorini and anticipated the big day.
Below are a few pics from our honeymoon:
Okay who's that skinny women?? Ironically Chris doesn't look any different... can't say the same about me!