New pages and the story of the mouse
Okay, so I'll start with the story of the mouse. Despite having two cats in the house, every winter we get mice (totally gross and freaks me out!). And every year I have a new story to tell. With kids and animals in the house, the old fashion mice trap is still the most effective 'termination' method. With our latest victim, the girls saw Chris throw the dead mouse into the garbage. Jess and Hailey were a little squirmy but nothing 'over the top'.
Than, in the middle of the night, I hear poor Hailey screaming with fright. I dash into her room (still half asleep and nearly blind without my contacts). In her sweet little Toddler voice, Hailey says pointing to her Dora doll, "Mouse in my bed. My touched it with my hand." She repeated this a few times. Of course, I promptly took her to our bed and she (along with Jess who had sneaked in earlier) stayed there for the night -- not to mention that Lacey joined us early in the morning!
The next morning, Hailey recalls, "mouse in my bed" and insists that she touched it. All I can say is that I hope it was a dream!! She did watch a scary movie that day with little mouse-like creatures and there are no signs of mice in her room. It will be interesting to see how she feels sleeping in her crib today. Let's hope that's it for the mice stories...
Now on with my new scrappy creations. The first one, entitled 'Cozy Fall Day,' is from our trip to the Detroit Zoo. I like the style of this page, but Chris doesn't like it because he's not in it. Poor baby!

This page is not one of my favourites (missing something?). It captures our tradition of leaving cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.
The last page is from our annual Apple Picking outing (I have to correct a spelling error again!). Using a page from SBE as inspiration, I did a mix of product and love the outcome. I seem to do much better when I start with a sketch or an end in mind.
Hope you have a critter-free day!!
Than, in the middle of the night, I hear poor Hailey screaming with fright. I dash into her room (still half asleep and nearly blind without my contacts). In her sweet little Toddler voice, Hailey says pointing to her Dora doll, "Mouse in my bed. My touched it with my hand." She repeated this a few times. Of course, I promptly took her to our bed and she (along with Jess who had sneaked in earlier) stayed there for the night -- not to mention that Lacey joined us early in the morning!
The next morning, Hailey recalls, "mouse in my bed" and insists that she touched it. All I can say is that I hope it was a dream!! She did watch a scary movie that day with little mouse-like creatures and there are no signs of mice in her room. It will be interesting to see how she feels sleeping in her crib today. Let's hope that's it for the mice stories...
Now on with my new scrappy creations. The first one, entitled 'Cozy Fall Day,' is from our trip to the Detroit Zoo. I like the style of this page, but Chris doesn't like it because he's not in it. Poor baby!
This page is not one of my favourites (missing something?). It captures our tradition of leaving cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.
Kelly, LOVE Your new pages! they all have such a fab and unique design and you really mixed your pps and embellies well! So cute!