Thumbs Up Party
It came about rather unplanned. Jess wanted polish on her nails; after applying it we told her she could not suck her thumb because the polish would make her sick. I know, a little extreme but it worked!
She kept asking if the polish was off but we stuck to the story; and just like that the habit was gone!!! It's rather amazing, after so many years. To celebrate her big accomplishment, we had a 'thumbs up' party. We are so proud of her!! (As you can see, the girls helped decorated the cake).
Jess also had another big milestone with her first trip to the dentist. She was a little scared and refused the fluoride treatment after the hygienist showed it to her -- it looked like foamy soap. No getting her mouth open after that! Can't blame her really! Apart from this, she did well. I, of course, took pics!!
Hailster having fun riding the bike in the house,